Sunday, December 28, 2008

Artist of the Week: Kevye West

Here's the deal, every once in a while something comes along that makes you say, Thank You. It could be something a person says or does that we've all been dying to do. Most of the time we do say it, but we don't have a large enough audience to hear us or even care. Well someone just came along and not just said something, but made a video, and then showed it on his TV show. Some of you might know him as Kevin Pereira, others as K-Per, but today, he is Kevye West. After Kanye West's auto tuner malfunctioned on SNL a couple of weeks ago, the world witnessed how bad a singer he really is. That's when Kevin decided to show that anybody could do what Kanye does. So with the help of some friends, a Mac and a pitch-correction program, Kevye was born.

What was to come was a performance worthy of an Academy Award. OK maybe I'm exaggerating, but it was at least Grammy worthy. The video only took about six hours to make and one hour to edit, and it still looked as good if not better then anything Kanye has ever put out. But don't take my word for it, see for yourself. That being said, this week's artist is Kevye West with his song 808s & Expiration Dates (Guac Lockdown), enjoy.

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