Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Calling All Friends, I Need Your Help

Here's the deal, as most of you know, I work at Wrigley Field as an usher for the Cubs. It's prolly the best job I've ever had. Well this year, they've become a little more strict. Nothing really big, mostly just enforcing the rules a little more. Well one new rule they have is that guys can't have long hair. They had told a couple of people, but not me. Our friend James even quit cause he refused to cut it. I didn't even want to think about if it had to come to that. A bunch of people kept asking me if anybody had told me anything, which they hadn't. It's been three weeks since the season started, so I thought I was safe. That was, until yesterday. When I was in the office after the game, Danielle (boss lady) gave me the "snip snip" sign. She then proceaded to tell me that I had to cut my hair. Of course I tried to talk my way out of it, see if there was something I could do, but it was to now avail. When people ask me "When are you gonna cut your hair?" I would usually say "NEVER!" lol. But when I was being serious, I told them that I would cut my hair if I had a good enough reason. I think saving the best job I've ever had is a good enough reason. So now I'm left with the decision, my hair, or my job? What do you think?

1 comment:

juand182 said...

cut your hair AND get a real job you hippie.